A GOD in love with his creatures.
Dear children, my souls: ‘I Am’ your GOD. ‘I Am’ your Father, who loves you with his Eternal Love and embraces you in my Unfathomable Heart.
Dear children, I am your Creator, do you recognize me? The soul must, my children must recognize their GOD and Creator, created for love and in love, every Apostle of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my most loving Daughter must love, loving is how the soul adheres to my Divine Will.
My children, when the soul loves me, loves my Sacred Will and my Will is manifested in Sacred Scripture, my only begotten Son made word and made flesh, now made Bread and Wine on every Eucharistic Altar.
Children, if you love me you will fulfill my commandments, born of my Holy and Divine Love for each one of you and thus the soul consequently loves my commandments and will fulfill them, such a soul is humble and simple, snatches an infinite number of graces from my eternal goodness love me that I love you, I am your eternal lover, in love with my creatures, whom I shelter in these times of mercy.
With love your Father and your GOD YAHWEH, ‘I Am’, the eternal lover, the fullness of love, the love given to the world in my Son Christ Jesus.
I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.