My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
The instrument:
Dearest Mother of Heaven, may your Immaculate Heart of the Annunciation-Incarnation and Sorrowful in the Crucifixion of your Son soon manifest itself, bringing the final Triumph of your Maternal Love to stop so much evil that afflicts the Heart of your Son.
The Blessed Mother:
My well-beloved son, my great promise of Fatima will be fulfilled according to the Will of my Son. Devotion to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is the Devotion of Heaven because it is to love my whole person, my feelings, and my love for God.
Son, this devotion, which is so dear to the Most Holy Trinity, will be established in the world with its Final Triumph. This Triumph will be the door that will give way to the Eucharistic Reign of the Sacred Heart of my Son and peace will be established... peace, unity, conformity to the Divine Will. Pray, little son, for my intentions.
The instrument:
I will do that, Mother, bless me.
The Blessed Mother: I love you, and I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.