‘Little nothing’:
Fifty days after the glorious Resurrection of Jesus Christ. On the first day of the week, the Lord’s Day, the apostles celebrated the breaking of bread. At the conclusion of the commemoration of the Holy Sacrifice, Holy Mary, the Heavenly Queen in recollection cried out: Maranatha.
Beholding her kneeling, the apostles Saint Peter and Saint John each knelt at the side of the Most Blessed Virgin. One by one, the apostles joined in the cry of the Heavenly Queen. The disciples, the pious women, and the first believers placed themselves around my Immaculate Spouse.
Like a great pillar of fire, I rested on the Most Pure Virgin. And from Her, I extended myself in the form of Flames over all those gathered there.
All received, through my manifestation, the seal of the Most Holy Trinity.
Beloved children, Mary is the Mediatrix of the Reign of the Holy Spirit. Unite yourselves to the prayer of this exalted Mediatrix.
Listen to her and live her Calls with conviction. And so, not only ask -and it is important to do so, with the prayers of the Apostolate- for my Reign. Do not only wait, yearn, or be passive in expectation of my Reign, but build my Reign, realize my Reign, and work for my Reign. Do not only pray. Accompany prayer with action and extend the Reign of the Holy Spirit throughout the Church and throughout humanity.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.