Dear children, I wish to teach you one of the attributes that the Mercy of God has given me and that is this: through His Mercy, the Holy Trinity has consecrated me as the Altar of Heaven.
My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is the Heavenly Altar and is the Perfect Tabernacle. It is the Living Tabernacle, because the Word of God became flesh in me and the Most High and Divine Trinity dwells in me: in my Heart, in my Womb, in my whole Being.
My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart is the Altar, because in it the Sacrifice of God has been offered; God Almighty has reduced Himself to the state of a creature, to save men. On my Altar God the Son gave Himself to God the Father, and through this Altar, which is my Heart, God the Holy Spirit came from Heaven to the whole Church. It is in my Immaculate Heart, dear children, that I ask you to give yourselves to the Father as the offerings are given on the Altar.
Little ones, Heaven needs souls who give themselves, who donate themselves, and who live with humility, sincerity, and witness to all the Love of God: in prayer, in fasting, and in a sacramental life. In this way, dear children, you will surrender to the Holy Trinity on the Altar of My Immaculate Heart.
I love you and I bless you: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.