Dear little children of my Immaculate Heart, my heart desires that you open yourselves to God’s love.
Little ones, all human beings commit sins, and sin also produces pride, and when a heart does not accept God’s love and forgiveness because it believes that its sin is greater than God’s love then it is in error; for there is no sin that cannot be absolved by God’s love, because God’s mercy reaches out to all and can and has forgiven everything, with Jesus on the Cross.
Therefore, the heart that has sinned, but recognizes its guilt and repents, and receives with humility the love and kiss of God’s forgiveness it is a great heart, because it has become little.
Little children, open your heart to God’s love and forgiveness, because he wants to forgive, love and reach all; he waits patiently for the door of your heart to be opened, and he will be waiting until the last day of your existence for you to receive him.
My children, abandon pride and be simple and little, that in the glory of my Son you may be great and glorious. Do not be afraid of littleness, do not be afraid of humility, because in this consists of the perfect joy in being so little here, that you may be great with us, in the new Heaven and Earth of the heavenly Jerusalem.
Little ones ask for the gift of humility, the gift of littleness, because those little ones are the ones who will enter the glory of Jesus, because the gate of Heaven is very low, very small.
I invite you, dear children, to live my messages. Live them! Because you need my maternal presence, and I come to you and give my last Calls to Love and Conversion to humanity, by the will of my Son, who loves you so much.
I bless you with my maternal love: in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.