It is in my Chaste and Loving Heart that you will learn about true devotion to the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary. My heart of adoptive father and virginal spouse was the first to live this true devotion to the hearts of Jesus and Mary. To be devoted to these hearts is not limited only to worship and prayers, but also to imitate them, to live the advice of the Blessed Virgin: “do whatever Jesus tells you”.
I, Saint Joseph, was the first man to do what Jesus said. Through Mary I met Jesus. You dear children, through my Chaste and Loving Heart you must encounter Mary. By following my example and obeying my Calls to Love, you will truly encounter Mary.
Only by imitating my heart will you be able to know better the depth of the heart of the Queen of Heaven; and she, Our Lady, will lead you to an encounter with the heart of Jesus.
With my Chaste and Loving Heart, the sure way to reach the hearts of Jesus and Mary united in holy love, I bless you.
In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.