Dear children:
The heart must be open, to receive the seed of the Word of God.
And for the seed of the Word of God to burst and bear fruit, it must be watered.
You water the seed of the Word that falls into your heart with constant prayer. Prayer is the water of life that waters the seed of the Word and makes it germinate in you.
And to maintain the plant, which grows, it is necessary to fertilize it with fasting, mortification, sacrifice and penance. And that little plant that is the spiritual life of the soul will grow strong and great and produce many fruits.
And these fruits are virtues, gifts and charisms that are not to feed the plant but to feed others. The gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit are not for the soul to keep but to help, encourage and sustain others in humility.
Dear children:
I insist again, open your hearts to my Calls to Love and Conversion; these last calls must be accepted by a humble spirit and to be understood you must pray, pray incessantly.
Dear children:
My exhortation is that you grow in virtue and in spirit. The Father sends his Holy Spirit upon you, also as he sent him to me, and thus realize the plans of the Lord. And you, little one, are the first victim offering, who is living not only the charism of the Sacred Hearts but also the charism of the Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary; for, the Holy Spirit and the heart of our Lady asked Jesus to take you as a victim and as a spouse of blood, pain and love.
I give my fatherly blessing over the whole world, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.
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