Praised be the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ.
Apostles of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary:
From the beginning of creation, when the first parents rebelled against the Lord, the darkness of sin entered the hearts of men.
But, to this darkness, the Lord manifested two great lights, two luminaries, which illuminated the dark night of sin.
These two lamps are: the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus who, offering Himself as a victim of expiation for sins, is the Redeemer of souls. And, the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary who, with her Fiat, has made man to meet his Redeemer.
The spirituality of the United Sacred Hearts is a spirituality of redemption and of alliance.
God, the Tender and Merciful Father, desires that all his creatures be part of this Alliance of the Two Hearts, the Two Lamps.
I, Archangel Michael, pray that humanity may understand the importance of these Calls.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.