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May 25, 2014 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

My children announce the Glorious Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ, our Lord and Love. 

Beloved children of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, today I come again to teach you with these messages that flow from my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart.

Children, those who are born from my Womb are like Me, Your Mother. I teach and instruct you, in this journey, with these calls to love. Therefore, today I come as the Mother of the Second Return of my Son with power and glory.

My children, you must know and understand that my true children continuously cry out “Come Lord Jesus”. This is their cry of battle, their cry of joy, their victorious cry. That is why I ask you to long for the Coming of the Lord. We have been created to love, serve and worship Him alone and how much I wish the time would come when we would all come together to Him. My heart yearns for that moment. Therefore, go my little ones, and announce that my Son is coming, that my Son is in you, in your homes, in your lives, cry out to the Father: Come Father and send us your Son!

Christ, my children, will bring light, love, mercy and forgiveness, true peace and sincere unity. Therefore, cry out my little ones, cry out. My Son must come, for he is King and since he is King then he will truly reign. When you, little ones, cry out “Come Lord Jesus”, you do not only cry out for his coming, but also for his Kingdom, his Mercy, his Peace, his Presence in every soul.

Cry out! because this cry symbolizes his prompt arrival and the prompt deliverance from evil on earth. Cry out, my child, COME LORD JESUS! and He will bring His Triumph, the Reign of Love and Peace, Unity, true forgiveness in every child of my Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart. How the Heart of my Son trembles when you cry out COME LORD JESUS! Children, Christ is King and he reigns in the life of each of my children born from my Most Pure Womb.


This ejaculatory prayer I give you, my children, from the depths of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart that loves you infinitely. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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