Dear children of my Most Chaste Heart, I want you to meditate with the Spirit on my life with Jesus and Mary. I, Joseph of Nazareth, know toiling, I know weariness, I know sickness, I know of the bread that is earned by sweat and effort; but the weary life of the world and of labor must not prevent you, at any time, from abandoning Jesus; with your work you also glorify God; in sickness you also pray to God; in your daily life you can also live with Jesus.
My children, the world is making the serious mistake of expelling Jesus from all environments, because for the world Jesus is in the way, inconvenient; just as at Bethlehem there is no room, no place, for Jesus. Reflect, sincerely, if in your hearts there is room or no room for God. Examine yourselves and understand that God must always have the first place in everything: at work, in sickness, in family; in ordinary life all things must be ordered in God’s Love.
Little ones unite your lives to the Holy Family, and you will learn how to love God, how to listen to God, how to work and live with God.
I love you and I bless you, your Protector Saint Joseph.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.