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May 31, 2014 – A Call to Love and Conversion from the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary

How my children allow my Immaculate and Sorrowful heart to triumph in them. 

Dear child, today I come to tell you that those whom I myself have formed in my most Holy Womb are my children who open themselves to my graces with love; they are those who with constancy fight to make me triumph in their lives, lives that were dead because of sin, souls that were deformed because of their defects.

My son, you must learn that the worst defect is selfishness, which does not allow for love, this selfishness must be broken by the surrender of love itself, love that must be cultivated in God, which will be productive, fruitful in his mercy.

My children, if you pray my Heart triumphs, it triumphs in prayer. My children, I desire to triumph in your lives and how do you do this, how do you cooperate with my Triumph? By being obedient to the Love I give you in every message.

I want soldiers of my Kingdom to proclaim the Lordship and Reign of Jesus Christ, soldiers of my Holy Rosary. Son, I triumph in you when you renounce yourself for others, for God. I triumph in you when you live in purity, you grow in virtue.

Son, be my great apostle. Every child born of my womb and given birth in Jesus is my son, for I have formed and educated him. Do not believe that my mission as Mother of all men has ended, that is why I call you I want you to triumph in the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Only by living my messages and practicing them, by obeying them and living in communion with my Holy Church which without any doubt (with me your Mother who loves you) will triumph. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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