Dear children of my Immaculate Heart, my Immaculate Heart is overflowing with graces and gifts, for all my children.
Little ones, the Mercy of God has given me the Grace to be the Omnipotent Supplicant, that is, my little ones, that everything I ask Jesus for you is granted to me; not because of your human merits, but because of Grace and Mercy.
Little ones, trust more in my Immaculate Heart, and surrender yourselves completely to it. You do not see, nor experience the Wonders of Jesus, because you have not yet surrendered entirely to Me. Why do you distrust, why do you become disturbed, why do you lose your peace? Am I not your Mother, your Hope, and your Lady?
Know, dear children, that when you ask the Most Holy Trinity in the name of my Immaculate Heart, everything is obtained, but you must trust, and you must pray more.
Little ones, Satan seeks to take away your peace. Be sensible and understood everything that takes away your peace is not from God; it does not come from God; Peace is my Son Jesus Christ.
Be confident, increase your love and devotion to my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, because this title will attain the salvation of the whole world. Mary Co-Redemptrix will triumph, but you must trust more.
I love you and, with Maternal Love, I bless you, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.