My beloved sons, prayer opens in you your hearts to God. When you pray, your life gives place to the Holy Spirit to act and to do wonders in your children, but when you don’t pray you close your hearts and your human wills to God’s action.
Therefore, my little children, I invite you to pray with great faith. Open your hearts to prayer. Do not be weary of prayer because he who prays changes also in the measure that he prays, because in prayer many graces from Heaven are poured out for your conversion. When you pray from the heart you will experience God’s great Love for each one of you.
Pray by immersing yourselves in the Love of Jesus, pray by feeling the crucified Love. My children pray with love.
I love you and I bless you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.