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May 7, 2021 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Eucharistic Sacred Heart of Jesus

Dear child:

My Sacred Eucharistic Heart did not choose you by any virtue, but, being the least, insignificant and in need of the Love of my Merciful Heart, my Holy Mother took you into Her Heart, consecrated you for my Heart, and our Two Hearts made abode in you. So that not only what you hear in our apparitions to you, which are the Calls to Love and Conversion, but also all the inner confidences of our Sacred Hearts are lived and heard by your little heart, therefore, it is the least and the poorest that I take to accomplish my works. Blessed are those who believe.

And as a visible fruit of our Two Hearts, incarnated in your heart, it is that we exude our frosty Tears from your hands so that my children may also be partakers of this grace.

By passing through our frosty Tears that ooze from your hands, their small cloths and pious objects, and, through them, my children and the objects blessed with our Tears, we will do great wonders.

Thank you for always remaining united and faithful to our plan of mercy.

With my Sacred Eucharistic Heart I bless you. And with our holy Tears exuding from your hands, we bless all our apostles.

I exhort you to meditate on Chapter 14 of the prophet Isaiah.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


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