Our Mother has come as Our Lady of Cuapa; on her chest she has her Immaculate Heart surrounded by thorns.
Dear children, see my Immaculate Heart surrounded by thorns, which are all the sins, disobedience, ingratitude that men commit against my Maternal Heart.
Little ones, I come into the world to instruct you in prayer, to speak to you of peace, to teach you the love of Jesus, but I still see that your hearts are far from understanding me and, even more, from obeying.
Why, dear children, do you cause suffering to this Mother who loves you so much? Why has my Message of Cuapa of making peace, of praying the Holy Rosary daily, of loving one another with the Heart been forgotten? The world is getting worse because it forgets and ignores the Word of God.
My children console My Heart! I tell you again, console My Heart: by obeying Me and living My Words. I love you, with a Mother’s Love, and I do not want you to reject anyone.
I desire the salvation of all. I bless you: in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary, Most Pure, conceived without original sin.