Children of my Most Chaste Heart, I wish to speak to you about the gift of gratitude. A grateful soul is a soul that knows that it is loved; it is a soul that knows that God loves it infinitely. In Nazareth, my only prayer was a continuous thanksgiving, because the Father Almighty entrusted to me the most precious gift, his Son and the Creature that after Jesus is the most Perfect and Holy, the Immaculate Virgin, the Two Treasures of the Heavenly Kingdom. My Heart exulted with joy and gratitude, because God has been good to his people.
Dear children, you have much to thank God for. He is always Good, Patient and Tender with you. Be grateful in your sufferings, because they purify you; be grateful in your trials, because he makes you strong; be grateful in your joy, because he is always with you; be grateful for these Calls to Love and Conversion, which are a treasure of the Divine Mercy, to save many souls.
And from this home of Nazareth of the End Times, where the Heavenly Queen is gathering her Army, I bless you as the Father of the Holy Family: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.