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Dear children of my Immaculate Heart, listen to the Inner Voice of the Holy Spirit in each of you and remain silent in your mind and heart so you may listen to the Silence of God. That is why many souls live troubled and without Peace; they do not want to listen to God.

When a soul has Peace, it accepts the Will of the Lord in Peace and does not oppose his Volition because it loves: It loves the Divine Will. Therefore, ask for the Gift of Interior Silence so that you may understand many things of the Spirit, although not all of them, because they are not in the Divine Will.

Dear children, live in silence, pray, see, and wait because everything will pass. The prophecies will be fulfilled because the men of the world are worse than before. This generation has become immensely depraved; they are very rebellious to the Voice of the Lord. The noise of the world, technology, and sciences without conscience is altering man's heart. Therefore, dear children, pray and ask for Peace in the world.

France, I spoke to you at La Salette, and you did not listen. Because of your disobedience and your free will, they are causing you suffering. Nicaragua, you disobey your Mother so much. Until when will you listen to Me? These people have suffered and will continue to suffer because there is no conversion of heart to God. Pray for Central America, which is sinking in a wave of violence. Pray for the United States, Russia, and China, who will be at the service of the Antichrist.

Children of Mary, wake up; the time has come! Behold, my Son Jesus Christ is preparing His return!

Pray, dear children; listen to the Voice of your Mother who loves you. Pray for Peace in all hearts. Offer the Novena of the Immaculate Conception for the Peace of the World.


I leave a little piece of my Immaculate Heart on this image so that those who venerate it may encounter the Gift of Peace. They will find it if they have sincerity and obedience in their hearts.

Ask, dear children, so that the world changes. The third World War is advancing and now a fourth awaits them because there is no conversion. The Evil Man intends to conquer the whole world for his plans.

It is time for you to listen and obey my Maternal Calls. I love and bless you, dear children; thus, I bless all that has been placed on my altar.

In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin


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