Dear children, today I invite you to walk the path to the mansions of perfection. It is the path of faith. It is the way of the Sacraments. It is the life of prayer and fasting. It is very necessary to ask for the Grace of repentance because the soul that loves Jesus suffers for not corresponding to the Love of Jesus and for experiencing the pain of sin but assisted by Faith and Light transmitted by the Holy Spirit, a sincere conversion is given.
When the soul knows that in the least it has not corresponded to the Love of God, when the soul recognizes its sins and is absolved of its faults, it must continue to walk in the Light of the Gospel. In this path of faith there will be trials, trials that purify the Heart, and when they purify the Heart, they make it more precious to the Eyes of God. Trials of faith, physical sufferings, or attacks and misunderstandings, but all of these offered with love cleanse the soul and by following my Calls to Love and by practicing the Gospel, they reach the first mansion which is my Heart: entering my Heart and receiving special Graces from my Heart, especially the Grace of Holy Love.
That is why I always invite you to pray unceasingly so that you may first know the Love of Jesus and when you know the Love of Jesus everything in your life will be new. Pray and may prayer be for you joy, joy and trust. I give you my Maternal Blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.