My Divine Mercy wishes to embrace the whole world with its rays of Love, but the world is so immersed in it that it forgets the eternal presence of God. I have come with a message of Mercy for souls to believe; to convert and be happy because trust in My Heart gives Peace and joy is the fruit of Peace. Those who do not have peace in their Hearts live in bitterness and sadness, staining their souls with distrust of my Mercy, and the greatest sorrow they can give to my Heart is to distrust my Love.
Even if the way of the Cross becomes dark and the daily Cross is heavy, it is a path of love, surrender and trust. How I have longed to pour out the gift of humility, of simplicity, of charity, and when this is done, I receive only a no from your Hearts. How much I have taught you in the Word of God and how much My Mother has invited you to Love and your Hearts are hard and cold dying for lack of Peace. Whoever believes in Me, this is enough for him, Faith. And Faith united with Love can do everything.
I invite you; live your Faith united with Love and you will conquer with Me. My Mercy desires so much to embrace you, but I need humility of Heart. I love you tenderly. I invite you to sow peace.
I give you my blessing with My Merciful Love in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.