Peace and joy from our United Sacred Hearts to all of you, beloved children.
It is very necessary that the Call to Love and Conversion given by my beloved Jesus yesterday, Friday, be read and meditated on again together with this Call to Love and Conversion, which I am giving you on Saturday.
Beloved children, it is so important that you understand the importance of this retreat, the First Official World Retreat of the Apostolate. The messenger’s presence and person are not necessary, or important. What is important is that my ‘little nothing’ has transmitted the Call since the first day I asked him on July 15, 2013.
He is not important, only our Call to Love and Conversion, which you should not be afraid to receive in your heart, because our Calls to Love and Conversion, solely and simply, intend to convey the Gospel of my Son Jesus back to your hearts.
It is necessary that this retreat's participants: priests, religious, laity, and young people, know that our apparitions, that the Calls to Love and Conversion, that the Apostolate we have founded and that this private revelation are at the service of the Church and reaffirm, neither increase, nor change, or diminish, but to affirm the Gospel of Jesus and the Doctrine of the Church.
Therefore, as your Mother, I ask you to receive this Apostolate in your hearts as a Gift of God’s Mercy. None of you, beloved children, no priest, no religious, none of you, sons, daughters, are in this First Official retreat of the Apostolate by coincidence, by human invitation, by human intervention. Each one of you is in this retreat guided, led, assisted, conducted, and present by Me and solely by Me.
Beloved children, an opportunity is being given to each one of you. You must be the new Saint Francis of Assisi, the new Saint John of the Cross, the new Saint Teresa of Jesus who will reform the Church from within, with a primitive, faithful, integral spirit in love with Christ.
The Apostolate, at this time, you at this time, have the opportunity given by the Divine Providence to renew the Church, to renew your parishes, to renew your towns and countries with our United Sacred Hearts.
Today, beloved children, you have the opportunity to be saints. And despite your fears, of your apprehensions, of not knowing, of not feeling, of not listening, that is why you are being given our Calls, that you may listen to us, that you may understand us, that you may comprehend us, that you may obey us.
It is not necessary for each one to have an individual revelation, no, listen to our Calls to Love, these are enough for you to live the desires of the Divine Will.
Please, beloved children, do not lose this opportunity that the Divine Providence is giving you. Do not lose it. Join the Branches, join the Fraternities, join the Crusades. Reconcile with each other. May the World Coordination be reconciled with the apostles. May the apostles be reconciled with the World Coordination. No one, absolutely no one, should leave this Official Retreat unreconciled. No one, beloved children, should leave without being united and reconciled and without integration into the structure, the order, and the harmony of the Apostolate.
Beloved sons, beloved daughters, all of you participating in the Retreat must leave truly committed to a ministry within the Apostolate. Priests, I want you as spiritual directors of so many areas within the Opus Magnum that still do not have a spiritual director. Some areas of my Work still do not have a coordination team. You should form them with those who are present in person at this moment in the Retreat.
No one, little sons, little daughters, no one should leave this Official Retreat without reconciliation, without forgiveness, without unity, without a responsibility within the structure, according to the Statutes of the Apostolate. No one should leave this retreat without having committed to an area of the Apostolate.
Please, little beloved children, abide by this maternal request, commit yourselves truly, without fear, to my Work. No one can leave this Official Retreat without a commitment within any area of the Opus Magnum. No one can return the same and go back without a mission. No one. Please, together organize my Opus Magnum.
To my priests, I kiss your hands, and to all of you, little children, I kiss your foreheads.
I love you and bless you with my Maternal Blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
