My little Jesus-Mary:
Thus, I call you by the Gift of the Mystical Incarnation of Our Two Most Sacred Hearts in your poor heart. This Mystical Incarnation makes you die to the old man and live the new life hidden in my Heart. And, with the Gift of the Mystical Incarnation you unite yourself, voluntarily surrendering your Fiat, so that Our Two Sacred Hearts may live in you.
And this Mystical Incarnation is an act of reparation because it makes reparation for the consequences of original sin. The first parents were clothed with divine life and sin took this grace away from them.
Therefore, the Mystical Incarnation is the Trinity with the soul, and clothes the soul with graces.
Therefore, in the Mystical Incarnation of our Two Sacred Hearts in yours, make reparation for how many times men banish grace from their lives by deciding to sin.
The Apostolate, my little one, is to clothe oneself with our Sacred Hearts and make reparation for the sins of the world with Divine Love.
The Apostolate is the Opus Magnum of the Woman and the Son of the Woman who will destroy the plans of the serpent.
With my Sacred Eucharistic Heart, I bless you and all those who respond to my Call.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.