Dear children, open your hearts to the Grace of God's Love, and with that Grace of Love kindled in each of you, receive Health: the remedy that is my Son Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace.
I come as Intercessor for all your souls. Trust totally in my Motherhood and open yourselves to the Love of God. Trust in the Love of God. Be soldiers of the Love of God. That is to say, you must strive so that each heart opens to the Love of God, and thus, you will be bearers of Peace.
I love you, and I bless you. I intercede with my Son for you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
Let our Two Hearts be your medal and your shield. Consecrate yourselves to our Two Hearts. Live in the Love of Jesus.
