My little Jesus-Mary, my nothing and victim for the Reign of my Sacred Eucharistic Heart:
My Tender and Merciful Father has promised to all my Apostles of Reparation that, through the prayers and devotions of the Apostolate souls will find the tenderness and mercy of his paternal love.
I, the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, promise, to all my children who pray the devotions of the Apostolate with love: the Gift of the Holy Spirit.
I seal all the prayers which we have revealed to you with the Gift of my Divine Spirit and to the souls who pray and meditate on all the devotions and prayers of the Apostolate, the sovereignty of the Holy Spirit in their souls.
To all my children, who receive the Great Work in their hearts, I promise the Sovereign Reign of the Divine Spirit, and this Reign brings with it the Grace of the Sacraments, of perseverance, and of a holy death, for this Reign of the Holy Spirit will sanctify the whole life of my apostles of reparation on this earthly pilgrimage.
With my Sacred Eucharistic Heart I exhort you, receive this great promise of the Sovereign Reign of the Holy Spirit.
I bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without original sin.