Very soon, I will come to gather My Faithful Flock.
Very soon I will come, my little one. You will see a light shine in the sky. It will be a Shepherd who comes in search of His Flock, a Shepherd who was wounded, slandered by his enemies, abandoned by his friends, betrayed by his children. When he was wounded, many sheep of the flock were scattered; some were taken, others deceived, others dead… but the Shepherd has filled himself with Strength, Strength from Above and gathered his Flock, those sheep and meek lambs that in spite of the tribulation, remained faithful to the Voice Shepherd’s
This Shepherd will take his flock to the land where milk and honey flow. In his meadows, the child will sit beside the viper, the lions and the gentle sheep, beside the panther. All the beasts of the field shall dwell together. You will be My Father’s Flock; it will be in the atrium of His Temple. From His Altar shall flow a stream of living water to quench the thirst of souls.
Son, every word of My Sacred Heart of Jesus is from Love and with Love. I, Your Jesus, with My Good Shepherd’s Heart, will come to gather My Remnant Faithful. Tell My People of Israel to be vigilant. I will soon come to collect My Remnant Faithful. Conversion and peace, I ask you in My Sacred Heart.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.