The Love of My Sacred Heart.
The instrument: Jesus, My Lord, My God, my one and only great Love, I look upon Your People in confusion, darkness, oppression, people who are spiritually broken.
Jesus: My little child, sunflower in My Wretched Hands, you see well, you see reality. Do you remember when I showed you to the world?
The Instrument: If Jesus, in that vision the world was an open sore, it was rotten flesh and polluted blood.
Jesus: Well, my son, the world and mankind are like that because, before My Coming, since My People ignored the Words of My Father, Words of Love and Mercy, they killed the prophets ignoring the Commandments of the Lord. In other words, My little ones did not love Me and since they did not love, they destroyed and disobeyed. If only the souls, my little sheep, would open up to the Love I give them from My Sacred Heart.
The instrument: How does this opening take place, Jesus?
Jesus: This openness comes from humility. Only the humble soul will recognize the need it has of Me. Oh, Abeles of these times! How many wounded, oppressed, haunted, disturbed souls. Oh, my child, tell them that My Love will set them free but they must love, love a lot! When they truly love Me from the freedom, they are purified. Remember that Love erases many sins.
Therefore, love and forgive and shall be healed, amen. And they shall be released, purified. Healing is love, love given, love devout, holy love.
The instrument: The liberation of the world depends on itself when, in its will, it accepts and loves You, My Lord.
Jesus: Little one, son of My Sacred Heart, the world will be freed from love, when it begins to love. I have promised you, and today I solemnly promise again, I will teach every soul how little love it has shown and it will hurt to see the damage you always do to each other. Amen.
In my Love is the conversion of the world, for when you truly love, you love what I love. Your Jesus, My Sacred Heart loves you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.