Through my Apostolate I have revealed the greatest Gifts for the Church and the world; my Sacred Heart, of true God and true Man, and my Real Presence in the Holy Eucharist, making a unique Gift of Mercy for humanity, a free Gift, an infinite Grace. And I have come to reveal myself as the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, the title that most consoles the Most Holy Trinity and Devotion that repairs the offenses committed by men. That is why I have given the world the greatest devotion: my Sacred Eucharistic Heart. With my Apostolate I am making a permanent crusade of reparation, a constant crusade of reparation. My Apostolate is an army of repairing and adoring souls in spirit and truth.
I have given my apostles, through my little crucified one, a charism never given in its fullness as now: The Holy Spirit united with the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of the Heavenly Mother. My Mother and the Holy Spirit have given my apostles the Eucharistic Reparation Devotion. With this Devotion, given by my Spirit and by my Mother to console my Heart, my apostles accompany me in the Gethsemane of these End Times. My apostles watch over me and suffer with me, in this way. And with the Devotion of Eucharistic Reparation we implore from the Father, mercy and forgiveness.
Apostles of my Eucharistic Heart, I wish you to understand that the Devotion of Eucharistic Reparation is the company that you make your Jesus in Gethsemane, that consoles God, converts sinners and stops the punishment. My apostles, you must be aware that you are an army of Eucharistic and Marian reparation.
I bless you with my Eucharistic Heart from this dwelling place of our Sacred Hearts.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.