Missionaries of the Holy Spirit and of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary
My little Jesus-Mary, our nothing-victim:
The Holy Spirit and the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary desire that you form a Fraternity of the Apostolate, a Missionary Branch of the Apostolate.
-These Apostles should carry out a pastoral ministry of the mission.
United to the pontifical missions of the Holy Father, consecrate themselves to establish, in the world and in the Church, the Reign of the Holy Spirit through the propagation of the Apostolate and the Devotions of the Apostolate, especially to God the Holy Spirit, as well as the Icons and Sacramentals of the Apostolate, everywhere.
-To preach the Gospel, the faith, and the Doctrine of the Catholic Church, promoting catechesis and evangelization with the Calls to Love and Conversion.
-To form family and community Cenacles of Prayer.
-To propagate the Consecration of the whole world to the Holy Spirit and to the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, beginning with the faithful people so that, one day, the Holy Father may carry it out.
-To exhort the baptized who are a Priestly People,
– To announce, with renewed Spirit, through the Chaplet for the Reign of the Holy Spirit, the sanctity of Baptism and the commitment of Confirmation.
-To preach that, through the Gifts, Fruits and Charisms of the Holy Spirit, every baptized person should live fully his or her faith, vocation, and particular mission, within the spirituality of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary.
This is a Call to the apostles of the Great Work who feel inspired to be Missionaries of the Apostolate:
-Proclaiming the Call to Love and Conversion to the whole earth through the mission,
-Collaborating, also, with other missionary works, but, always maintaining the spirituality of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary as an identity within any mission.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.