Apostles of the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I exhort you to deepen the mystery of the Mansions of Perfection, living the Calls to Love and Conversion, where Heaven has spoken to you about the Mansions and the Chaplet of Perfection.
Our spiritual journey, or the 'little spiritual way' as I like to call it, is about the soul's abandonment of God, his Father. It's about becoming 'little' and accepting our need for God. This humility is the key to travelling more efficiently on the path of holiness.
I, Therese of Jesus and the Holy Face intercede before the Lord and exhort you to ask and live the grace of littleness and humility of spirit.
May the Eucharistic Heart of Jesus Christ be praised forever.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.
