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My Sacred Heart has bestowed Infinite mercy on mankind, but men have not wanted to receive it, have resisted and have reached depravity. The hearts of men have deviated from the will of my Father, and the very demons are now surprised at the evil of which man is capable.

My children, you have gone away from God, you have forgotten God, and within my own House you are already leaving me alone. The abomination of desolation, that is, the Holy Sacrifice shall not be any more on the altars of the world, is gradually advancing, filling with coldness the Hearts of those who say they make use of my Bread and my Word to give it to men.

Ministers of my House, faithful souls of my Mystical Body, restore my House, repair my House, obey me. Obedience is the best Repair. Obedience to my Calls to Love and Conversion is the best Reparation.

I have given you a Chaplet of Reparation to the Most Holy Trinity, for your sins. This Chaplet has been given to you to implore for sinners, so that they too may unite themselves to my Faithful Remnant. Through this powerful prayer, punishments will lessen, and manynatural disasters can be stopped, if only you cry out so that many sinners will have the opportunity to repent.

My children, convert! Every day is a step toward conversion.

I invite you, take my Calls to Love and Conversion and, in the light of my Calls, make an examination of conscience, in the light of my Calls examine yourselves daily. I want saints to console me, to help me carry the Cross. Make Amends, pray and fast, for it is one hundred years since my Mother’s Message was given at Fatima. But these one hundred years represent a century of disobedience, rejection, and indifference. And so, in my Calls to Love and Conversion, I wish to recall once more the Message of Conversion that Heaven gave at Fatima.

Children pray that you may understand what I am teaching you; only by humble prayer will you understand my Calls and be able to obey them with love.

I bless you with Merciful Love, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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