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The Holy Spirit speaks through my Mother.


Dear son, these are the days of apostasy. Many deny their faith before men and thus come to the dishonor of my Cross. I have again become desolate; desolation is entering my House. It is urgent that we pray and make reparation with prayers to my Sacred Heart in the most blessed Sacrament of the altar to counter this growing apostasy and uphold our faith and love.


Son, I have always believed and desired that man listen to me and, even more, live me. I have transmitted to you the Holy Spirit who teaches you everything, but even my Spirit has been rejected, ignored; it is then that many hearts - which have expelled the breath of the Holy Spirit from their souls - walk without light, without direction. They walk towards a terrible abyss of misery and pain.


Since very few now believe in my Word as it was revealed, I send my Holy Mother, the one filled with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks in her, and through Her Immaculate Heart, she transmits my desires and communicates my Words to the simple souls, the souls that are the children of my Father.


All my beloved Mother has announced to you has been received from the Holy Spirit, who directs the Church. But, many consecrated men and women and guides of my People have fallen into apostasy, which grows larger day by day, even within ecclesial structures. You, children and apostles of my Sacred Heart, who through my Mother listen to the Divine Spirit, obey with love and be custodians, but also heralds of the Word that the Most Holy Trinity transmits through the Immaculate Heart of my Mother.


I love you and bless you.


In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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