I bring with me a path of peace.
My little children, today I bring a Path of Peace, and an encounter of Love and Unity is molded into Our United Hearts. Children of My Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, peace, joy is the center of hope.
It is One. It is Eternal. Come Lord Jesus! My Son is coming soon. Do not be afraid, but my Son will be found with his flock. Pray and sing. Sing praise, pray, not only with your inner self or your voice, but with spiritual animation where you elevate the spirit of my Father’s Presence. When you sing it opens in my children a sanctuary of love, because singing prepares adoration, surrender, love. Every song, every hymn offered, not to lengthen the time, but to worship my Father. Through the joy of singing, my son pours out graces. A song is a petition, a prayer turned into a hymn.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.