The Kingdom of God and the Divine Will in Our United Sacred Hearts
These teachings are for faithful souls, my children who love my Instructions and wish to be led along the path of true Wisdom and true Life, which proceeds from the Most Holy Trinity, from infinite Love.
Dear son, my Sacred Heart and the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my Holy Mother were deeply united on earth, as they are now in Heaven united by infinite Love. And so, as for my Sacred Heart to do the Will of my Father was my only nourishment, so it was also for my Mother - the one who kept Our United Hearts aflame with Life and Love - to do the loving and perfect Will of the Father. That Will united us totally to the Kingdom of God since my Father's Will is that His Kingdom be in all hearts and that they live His Kingdom in the Divine Will. To live in the Divine Will is to live in the Kingdom of my Father, and to live in the Kingdom of my Father is to live in the Divine Will.
In Our Two Hearts, my Mother's and Mine, a perfect communion of the Kingdom of God lived in Divine Will exists.
Son, to live the Kingdom of God, act, be, feel, and love the Kingdom of my Father God is to live, act, be, and love the Divine Will. The Divine Will become life in Our United Hearts in Love, loving the Law of God, doing what is pleasing in His eyes, and living for Him, solely out of pure Love for God the Father. Our Hearts wanted to please Him in everything.
Son, to then grow in that walk of evangelical-eucharistic love comes the help of the Holy Spirit who, after the soul decides to follow Me on the path of conversion, guides it, illuminates it, and cleanses it from the world and its ties, is freed by showing her the Truth and taking her to the fullness of the Love of God. When the soul allows itself to be led with radicality and firmness, it succeeds in becoming like Me and, to resemble Me and, transformed into Me, it begins to live the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is when a soul has allowed herself to be governed totally and in perfect love by the Divine Will of my Father God. My Mother, who was born in the Love of the Divine Will, led my adoptive father, Saint Joseph, along this path. Also, invoke the intercession of Saint Joseph; no one knows this spiritual path of the Kingdom of God in the Divine Will of Love better than he.
Little son, pray for France to walk towards the Kingdom of God, but first, the prophecies given by order of the Divine Will must be fulfilled and are already being fulfilled.
The correction that the Divine Will sends, by order of my Father, for Central America is soon to begin, straightening the poor hearts of these people.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.