My Immaculate Womb is the Holy Refuge.
Dear children, may the Grace of the Lord descend upon you, and thus, the Holy Spirit can act in your lives to transform you into new Christs in my Immaculate Womb, which is the Holy Refuge that God the Father sends to humanity for the salvation and good of my children.
Dear children, faith is a path of growth from the Cross. Learn to grow from the Cross, so that in Divine Will you may offer yourselves as living hosts for the salvation of the world, for the conversion of poor sinners, for the good of the Church that suffers, and to console the Heart of my Son and my Immaculate Heart that suffers for the sins, the ingratitude, the disobedience of man to my Maternal Word. The Word I transmit to you is the Word that I have heard from my Son for his people.
Dear children, arm yourselves with the values of the Spirit, cover yourselves with the grace of the sacraments, and fight for your holiness. The Lord sends me to prepare my great Army.
My little children, you are my praying soldiers, do not grow weary of carrying and praying the Holy Rosary and the Cross of my Son, so that with these weapons you may propagate for the world the Empire of Our Two Hearts, a Reign based on Love and Truth, on Divine Will.
Little children, my Immaculate Heart is your Refuge; take refuge in It. I await you in prayer.
I love and bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.