In the spiritual path of the inner life, the life of the spirit, it is necessary to open the heart to God. The heart opens with an act of love, trust and abandonment. That act was given by our Lady, the Queen of Mercy; that act of opening to the Holy Spirit, which is the first mansion in the life of holiness, that is: fiat, let it be done. By saying this with the heart, the soul prepares to receive from his Divine Majesty, from the Father: graces, mercy and forgiveness. But you must understand that the first thing is to open your heart to the Holy Spirit. The Divine Spirit will transform and act in the soul, life and acts of the creature that has said fiat. Trust in the Holy Spirit, so that your heart does not resist any more what God is teaching you in these last Calls to Love.
Do not resist the voice of the Lord!
I, Theresa of Jesus, intercede so that you may be seduced by the Spirit of the Lord.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.