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All your prayers are heard.


Dear children of my Immaculate Heart, Heaven showers graces, Mercy and Grace upon the souls who pray. For all your prayers are heard, no prayer is lost; converting sinners, healing the sick, freeing oppressed hearts, filling sad hearts with joy, reconciling many nations, cities, and peoples, for the highest Glory of the Most Holy Trinity.


The Father sends me to intercede for my children, and I pray for each of you that you may open yourself to God's love. The Love of God will heal many souls, strengthen your hearts, and help you follow my Son.


Pray, dear children; I invite you to be devoted to the Holy Rosary because with the Rosary, you obtain Graces for the world, wars are stopped, and many souls are saved. Pray the Holy Rosary daily to achieve peace for many peoples in conflict, to accomplish peace, and to convert many sinners so that you, too, may have peace. May the Holy Rosary be your path, the Gospel-made prayer, so that you may walk in this time of darkness, confusion, and darkness.


Your Mother comes to guide you to the Heart of my Son, so that you may increase your faith and encounter true peace, absolute love, and the forgiveness and remission of all your sins from the Cross of my Son who loves you.


And he sends me to bless this Fountain of Grace and Mercy, which will be water that will heal; water that will serve to transmit to whoever drinks it, the Grace of my Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart that is poured out on my children.


I also pour my Tears of Love upon this Fountain for the refuge of my children, for the good of their souls so that you may grow on this path towards Jesus.


Dear children, I always aspire to live in the Divine Will of God. I love you, and I bless you.


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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