Dear children of my Chaste Heart, with my Fatherly Love and Protection, I desire to invite you to follow the Josephite Path to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and the Heavenly Mother by imitating the virtue of obedience. Obedience consists of loving God above all things, because by loving the Father you will avoid offending the Lord. Loving the Father, you will live, obey, and love the Law of God, and loving the Father in Holy Obedience you will love your neighbor as yourself, love men, and live in peace in your hearts.
Now obedience, as a virtue, is given to the Apostles of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary as a gift, because the world no longer obeys and lives on the wide path of perdition.
My little apostles, pray greatly for the Grace of Obedience to be fruitful in you; pray greatly for those who listen to the prophets and do not obey God’s Message, and pray greatly for those souls who do not even remember the Lord.
Beloved children, pray for your countries which will be shaken strongly and nature prophesies in the name of the Lord; pray for your peoples, that the peoples may obey the Almighty.
Little children, as the Faithful Remnant of Saint Joseph I protect you and take you from my hand to the home of Nazareth; the Lord is with you and gives you his blessing: In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.