My Divine Wisdom was performing a work of mercy, through many saints and prophets I was preparing my great Apostolate. Through Saint Margaret I revealed my heart, through Saint Faustina I revealed my mercy. From the beginning of the Church I instituted the great sacrament of Love, the Eucharist. And I have waited, until this time, to reveal the devotion of devotions, the gift of gifts, the title of titles: the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, who has come to meet humanity. And through my little confidant I reveal the last Calls to Love and Conversion.
My Calls to Love have Holy Scripture as their source. My Calls to Love are centered in the Word of God. My Calls to Love want to attract hearts to the Gospel and to the Church. My Eucharistic Heart pours out blood and water as a fountain that never runs dry, as a river of grace that never dries up. In all humanity listen to my Calls to Love!
Center your hearts in my great Apostolate and adore the great gift, for these times, devotion to my Sacred Eucharistic Heart!
I see you and urgently call you and exhort you: heed my Calls to Conversion and listen to our United Hearts!
I ask you, open your hearts to my merciful blessing.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.