Little nothing of the most merciful Heart of Jesus:
It is through the work of the Apostolate that the merciful Jesus is fulfilling the final epilogue. His entire redemptive mission: from the Gospel, the tradition of the Church, the great saints and prophets of the Lord, He gathers them together as an infinite ocean of mercy in his Sacred Eucharistic Heart. Thus, as he has manifested himself to you and wants to be known, loved and adored.
It is in his Sacred Eucharistic Heart and in the alliance of the two Sacred Hearts that the whole call of divine mercy has its final fulfillment: the Great Reign of the Merciful Heart of Jesus.
And to you who has sent you, as the herald of that great reign, to call all hearts to union with Jesus through Mary.
I, Saint Faustina, intercede for the whole Apostolate of the United Sacred Hearts. The Calls are an echo that seek to call the attention of humanity to return to the Church and to the Gospel.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary most pure conceived without original sin.