The Church is my House on earth.
Eternal Father, dear children of my almighty Power, I want to offer the world my Love. I am speaking to you because I love you. I manifest Myself because I want my People to feel my presence and honor Me, not with lips but with the heart.
My dear son, today this Mighty and Eternal God comes to you, in Justice and Truth, but with Compassion and Love. Children of my Eternal Heart, children of my Presence, I call the world my Church that my Son founded because this is the Church, the Father’s House on earth.
It is not doctrine, it is not philosophy, it is not religion as the wise men of the world catalogue it. My House, The Father’s House, opened up to the world from the Cross. It is my House where all the means are to live in peace. I refer to the Sacraments; they are the guide, the rule, the order that governs; only one Church, with only one authority that comes directly from My Home. My children, do not be confused; there is only one Church, with only one authority that comes directly from the right arm.
The instrument: The Holy Father, Lord?
Eternal Father: Yes, my child, spring from my Silence, the Holy Father to whom I have given the Keys to my House. Keys that will open if you honor Me. Keys that will open the doors, which even hell cannot break.
My children, it is my House, my Church, my Kingdom; it is my Fatherly Presence in the world. My Church, my Beloved Church, pray for Her, join, and embrace all in Her.
I am always, dear child, in Her and her enemies, the worst of which are within Her. Pray that they may be expelled and that my Reign may have no obstacles on the path of Glory that I have promised you. Remember, my children, that it is not philosophy or mere belief; it is being with your heart ready to believe, obey, be faithful to my Word, and enjoy my Presence in the Church.
The instrument: Your Church, Lord.
Eternal Father: I say, my son, there are no churches in the world; there is only one Church, the one that my Son founded, Apostolic and Universal. The others are only philosophies, beliefs, and even arrogance. Because of their arrogance, they fled from my House to do their will, which would lead them to death, and not My Will, which would give them Life and Life in abundance.
I love you, my shoot and shoot of my Sorrow. I bless you. I bless my House and my Church.
In the Name of the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.