My dear children, I am the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Protector of my children in these End Times. I am the Mother of the Eucharistic Reign of the Most Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus Christ.
Little ones, I wish that your hearts may become little, humbler, more silent, more patient. Remember that every virtue is founded on love of God. The virtue of love is the source, the seat, and the mother of all virtues. From holy love humility is born. From holy love is born trust. From holy love is born silence. From holy love is born prudence and obedience. And so, all virtues are born of holy love.
I have come as a Protector Mother in these End Times to call the whole world back to God. I have come to warn, to guide, to teach and, as a Mother, to attend, to care for, to protect my children. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, a wounded man trusted to the arms of another man who wanted to attend him, heal him and repair the damage done to him.
My son Jesus now sends me to transmit my Last Calls to Love and Conversion from my Garden of Grace. I also wanted to heal the wounds in your hearts, to pour out the wine of my son’s blood, to deposit the oil of the Holy Spirit in your wounds. I wished to wash them with my mother’s tears, and to cover them with my mantle, but unlike the man wounded in this parable, man runs away, the souls flee from the light, and do not want to come near our Sacred Hearts. Humanity does not want to be healed, does not want to be guided, and does not want to change.
I just pray before my son for those hearts that are hard and do not understand the greatness of what I am transmitting. This is the work of the End Times. With this work I want to reunite, to teach and to heal the wounded heart of the world. But my children resist the graces, they resist the love of Jesus, and each time they say ‘no’ to the love of God, they do themselves a greater harm.
Nature is manifesting itself against man, because man’s sin has had negative consequences on Creation as well. If your Hearts do not change also in creation you will see the consequences of sin. Be attentive to my Calls to Love and Conversion! Be attentive!
Many prophets will come and perform great miracles before your eyes, bringing even men back to life. They will perform great miracles just to attract your attention. The true prophets only transmit the message of heaven, they announce and denounce, for you to change.
My children, trust in your mother because she loves you very much. As the Mother Protector in these End Times, I give you my maternal blessing and wait for you to return to God: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.