My little crucified. I desire to reveal today a prayer of Consecration for the world. With this prayer humanity will return to the Tender and Merciful Father.
This is the Consecration that gathers all the graces reserved for these times for the Church and for humanity.
This Consecration gathers all the intentions of our United Sacred Hearts for the Church and the peoples of the earth.
This Consecration Prayer will reserve the world to praise the Tender and Merciful Father.
All the requests made by the Heavenly Court to the Church Militant are gathered in this Consecration Prayer.
This Prayer of Consecration will bring peace and the Reign of Divine Love, for, the world consecrates itself with the two great Devotions that will save the world: the Holy Spirit and our United Sacred Hearts.
Pray, my son, that my Vicar on earth will also perform this Act of Consecration. The Holy Father will experience the power of this Consecration, and, when he performs it, the renewal of the Holy Spirit and the Triumph of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of my Blessed Mother will spread, without stopping, throughout humanity.
Therefore, you, my apostles, priests, religious, and all my faithful, pray this Consecration as the first fruits of the great Reign of Our Two Hearts and of the Holy Spirit.
God, Tender and Merciful Father, we invoke your holy and glorious Name that gives life and sanctifies.
Our Father, we sanctify your Name and in Divine Will we adore you with the Son, the Eucharistic Lamb, and we present to you his Eucharistic Passion and his victimization on the Altar of the Glorious Cross.
Behold, God, the Tender and Merciful Father, the wounds of the slain Lamb, your Divine Son, and through his sacrifice of the Cross and of the Eucharist, listen to your people.
God the Tender and Merciful Father, in union with the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Lamb Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit Paraclete, O my Three! receive love, adoration, praise and thanksgiving.
Most Holy Trinity, divine unity, life-giving and sanctifying, we consecrate the whole world to the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary so that the whole earth may receive the love and communion of the Most Holy Trinity.
Holy Spirit, powerful influencer in the union of the Two Sacred Hearts, renew the Church and all the peoples of the earth with your Ruah of divine life and unite, through you, the Sacred Hearts of the Son of God and of the Mother Coredemptrix, the whole Church of Jesus, the Holy Father, bishops, priests, religious men and women, and all the baptized, so that the Church may be renewed in her vocation and mission.
Spirit of Love, unite the peoples who suffer the consequences of communism and atheism, hatred and violence, war and death, and all disregard for human dignity, to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so that these peoples may find reconciliation, justice, and peace.
Holy Spirit, You who are the power of the kerygma, unite the peoples who are submerged in slavery, in the error of idolatries and heresies, especially to the peoples where the Gospel has not yet been announced to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, so that the Divine truth and the light of the Holy Church may lead to the salvation of the peoples who do not know Jesus Christ, the peoples who do not accept Him, and the peoples who knowing Him, reject His word and His Church.
Holy Spirit, God of charity, unite – peoples who suffer genocide, hatred between brothers, persecutions, injustices, fratricide, bloodshed of God’s children; peoples who allow the massacre of the innocent unborn through abortion or euthanasia, stripping man of the natural law – peoples governed by the spirit of death, to the United Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary and that, upon encountering this Alliance of Love, they may find repentance, forgiveness and have life in abundance.
Holy Spirit, Spirit of God, with your Ruah cast idolatries, heresies, divisions, and persecutions of the Church in the abysses of hell.
Holy Spirit, with your Ruah cast lies and fallacies, deception, and influence of satan in the hearts of the children of God and their families, into the abysses of hell.
Holy Spirit with the power of the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of the Lamb of God and through the mediation of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, the woman Clothed with the Sun, grant spiritual progress to the holy Catholic Church, peace to all the peoples of the earth, and with your sanctifying power, may all human hearts be transformed into living copies of the Heart of Mary, and the Magnificat be sung without ceasing in praise.
God, Tender and Merciful Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, who united the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, receive this consecration of the whole world, through the Two Hearts of Jesus and Mary and by the Holy Spirit, and may your Reign of Love and of the Eucharist come over the whole earth.
Chaste and Loving Heart of Saint Joseph, guardian of the Alliance of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, pray for the Church, for all the peoples of the earth, and for all of us who consecrate ourselves to your paternal protection.
Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel, Saint Raphael, saints of God, Guardian Angel of every country on earth, and blessed souls in Purgatory, models of reparation and prayer, pray for us and for the whole world. Amen.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.