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In the end, Our United Hearts will unite.


My dearest child, heed the Words of my Sacred and Loving Heart that loves you. My time, the time of the Triumph and Reign of Our United Sacred Hearts, is coming to humanity, but for this, a reordering of the world is needed first so that all may be renewed, recreated, and restarted.


Little son, in the end, Our Two United Hearts will reign and unite the Church and all souls in the Church. For I will revive my Church, I will heal its wounds caused by confusion, abuse of power, diversion, closed-mindedness, arrogance, self-centeredness, and schism. All this has caused, yes, little son, much evil, turning my Church into physical territory and not into souls to save. Politics has derived from this disorder in my House and the Church. Politics without ethics, science without conscience, disunity and persecution because no shepherds are willing to let themselves be led by the hidden God, the God who reveals Himself, the God who guides and leads.


Little son, all is confusion, internal wars, schism, and abuse of authority. All this has divided my Body, fragmenting it. My enemies did not do it on Calvary, and my friends in the Church did. The Church is divided; it suffers and weeps for the abomination and disunity of its children, but Our Two Hearts have drawn up a plan of love, a precious project of restoration and removal. Thus, after the general and completed apostasy, of the purifications and tribulations to come, and of the Great Warning, the great miracle will come, the faith, and all will be One. In the end, Our Sacred Hearts will unite the whole Church. From now on, this Apostolate is the instrument I am using for this purpose of Love and Mercy.


May we reign from the Cross, in the Holy Spirit, to the universal Church, to the souls united and redeemed in Our United Sacred Hearts.


I love and bless you.


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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