Dear children, I wish to speak to you very clearly, openly, and precisely. By order of my son Jesus I have manifested myself in many places on earth, but when I manifest myself, it is to promote a very serious, ordered and obedient Work. I come to the world with a Message of Love for the conversion of all, but Satan also wanted to spoil my Works. Where my son and I are present, Satan is also there to deviate, confuse and move souls away from the truth.
Therefore, my little children, you must be very clear that whenever Heaven sends a prophet, the adversary sends many, but false prophets, to try to obscure the Light of Truth.
My children, many souls are distracted; they seek, want to see, feel… and forget what is important: to hear the Message, and to live it. Children, I advise you: do not seek so much, do not move away from the Truth in your thoughts, receive with simplicity, humility and joy, my last Calls to Love and Conversion, through which the authentic Messages from Heaven will be repeated to the world.
All those who come to my little Garden with hearts of children ready to listen, to accept and live the Message, will receive the Graces of Heaven. Only those who are willing to follow us will understand our Messages, only the hearts that are well disposed will be able to understand and obey us.
I encourage you, dear children, to pray much. Do not be confused, read and meditate on my Calls to Love and Conversion in the Light of the Word of God.
I give you my Maternal Blessing: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.