Dear son:
It is the Holy Spirit who accomplishes the works of my Divine Volition.
Through Him divine life came to man in Creation.
Through the Divine Spirit the Immaculate Virgin was preserved from original sin.
Through the Holy Spirit the Word became man, and dwelt on earth, and accomplished the Redemption of the world.
And through the Holy Spirit the mystical body of my Son Jesus was formed, which is the Church.
It is through the Divine Holy Spirit that I, your Tender and Merciful Father will renew the face of the earth.
And, it is through the Holy Spirit that the Sacred Hearts of the Word and of the Immaculate are exhorting the world to conversion.
Invoke the Holy Spirit and you will understand the Work of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in these times.
I, your Tender and Merciful Father bless you.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.