Dear children of my Immaculate Heart, I, your Perfect Mother, invite you: open your hearts to my Calls to Love and Conversion; take them to heart, live them, and practice them, so that through the Holy Messages and the Word of my Son you may learn to pray with the heart and not be afraid of the Holy Spirit, or of the actions of the Spirit of God in your lives.
Dear children, live my messages and pray with the heart, so that in your hearts there may be peace and your hearts may become instruments of peace in your homes and in the world.
Beloved children, I invite all my Marian Army of the Apostles of our Sacred Hearts: pray; do not forget my persecuted children; pray for the Christian refugees; pray for the suffering Church; pray for my children who suffer persecution out of hatred for the faith and fidelity to my Son Jesus. I call upon all my children: pray very much for the Christians who are suffering.
My children, pray with me, pray with your heart for the suffering Church. I give you my Blessing. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.