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Mary, the Prophet of the Holy Spirit


Dear son, the great Sign was, is, will be my Mother. She, my Mother, shows the Path. I am the Path. She preaches and bears witness to the Truth. I am the Truth. My Mother is the Mother of Life. I am the Life.


Little son, all the figures of the Old Testament, such as the Ark of the Covenant, the Pillar of Fire, Esther, Judith, Rachel, and Naomi, are prototypes of the Glory of Israel, Daughter of Zion, and Mountain of Adoration: my Mother.


Who was sent by the Holy Spirit to consecrate John?


Who was impelled by the Holy Spirit to have me perform the first miracle at Cana, even though it was not my hour to show and reveal Myself? My Mother advances the project of Redemption.


My Mother said "yes" on the Cross to the Will of the Father, and thanks to that "yes," I said, " All is accomplished," because it was not only I who had to give myself up; my Mother also had to do it, like the New Eve.


Son, I have sent my Blessed Mother to announce, help, encourage, and promote a true apostolic action, as she did while she was still alive on earth when my Holy Spirit led her to manifest herself to the Apostle James, encouraging him with the words she received from my Holy Spirit.


Throughout the history of my Church, I have sent my Mother to transmit my words to you.


She, filled with the Holy Spirit, is not only a Queen but also a Prophet because she announces, denounces, admonishes, and corrects.


My Mother is a unique and favorite instrument of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who acts to save humanity.


My Mother only tells them what the Holy Spirit indicates to her, but her words have neither been listened to, nor her advice obeyed, and many have ignored her warnings. Now, they are witnesses of what my Mother wanted to avoid: wars, violence, persecution, tyranny, abortion, and moral, spiritual, and natural disasters. But still, many remain ignorant of my Mother's serious messages.


She who, through the Holy Spirit, guides them like the Pillar of Fire that guides the people of Israel in the middle of the desert, but many, even seeing the Hand of my Father, doubted and disobeyed.


Now that my people, purchased with my Blood, have crossed this desert that has not yet ended, I send with my Spirit so my Mother may guide them. But even so, many ignore her and disobey, falling into the enemy's traps, walking paths of perdition, and being anything but my disciples.


Children, obey my Mother and your Queen, the Mother who is the recipient of my secrets, and the only thing she desires (as her desires are my desires) is the salvation of souls.


In this time of tribulation in which you are living, listen to her; otherwise, you will be the cause of your evils. Take your Mother's words seriously.


I love and bless you.


In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.


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