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September 2, 2016 – Call to Love and Conversion from the Sacred Eucharistic Heart of Jesus

Dear servants of My Sacred Heart, I am Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal and Almighty Father, who is above all and makes the sun shine on the righteous and sinners, the good and the bad, the sick and the healthy.

Dear children open your souls to My Redeeming Love, My Love of the Cross, My humble Love, My Love that forgives, My Love that loves; open your hearts, and receive My Love and your hearts be healed.

Little children practice humility of heart. Practice charity with your brothers. Practice fasting and prayer. Do not be afraid of what will happen but pray and prepare yourselves because the Reign of the Blessed Sacrament is knocking at the doors of the world  which will open with power and strength when My Father’s Mercy touches the hearts and rectifies the consciences of men.

The Lamb of God is your light and help. Seek in My Sacred Heart My Love that loves you, My Love that heals you, My Love that forgives, and be holy by practicing My Words and living My Commandments, all the rest is superfluous. For the souls who have encountered My Love all else is no longer important but to do the Will of My Father.

Children, I love you and bless you with My Eucharistic Heart. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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