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Souls of my Sacred Heart behold my Heart wounded by your imperfections and faults in the love for God and for your brothers. Children, what makes my Heart suffer the most is the absence of love. I am love and I have ordered you to love each other as I have loved you.

Dear children, the world is in this state because there is no love, the love of God is all, my beloved children, and many souls have fallen in this absence of love. False prophets are wrapped up in pride and vainglory, many call themselves prophets when they are not, and collaborate with the wiles of Satan by making the messages of Heaven something vain.

When I manifest myself, it is for a very serious, ordered, and obedient work, and how many souls are disfiguring my Works by becoming instruments of evil. My beloved children, repair and console our Sacred Hearts, and how will you do it, by obeying and loving our Calls.

Children, I call all, priests, religious and faithful, to you, to stand with strength and courage for our Work. Be courageous and defend it, because it is the Great Work of my Sacred Heart.

Son, you do not fear, remain strong, wherever I send you or where you are called, wherever it is, from now on you must carry the Message and all my apostles must not oppose but collaborate, so that my Message may be known, and the false enemies of our Work may be unmasked. You go to any place where the souls need you.

Children, strength, be joyful, because Heaven has trusted you; rejoice, because your Jesus is with you and nothing will separate you from my love and truth, if you are obedient to my wishes. I love you with Merciful Love.

I bless you with my Precious Blood: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure conceived without original sin.


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