My message in La Salette.
My dear child, I come again to visit your soul and wish you to heed my words to all humanity. My child, I have admonished, I have warned, I have announced, but for a long time now, you still disobey my urgent Calls to all humanity, especially to my eldest Daughter, the Church.
Little son, my Call in La Salette was of loving co-redeeming, of admonition, and a call for men, especially the baptized, to commit themselves with my Son to announce the good news of salvation and to denounce the errors that men commit induced by satan, who little by little is taking over the world and the hearts of men.
Children, be vigilant in prayer and fasting, with these two aspects of the spiritual life overcoming the lukewarmness of the soul.
Son, the world will continue to suffer, and what has been announced will happen because there is no longer much time, for when the time of mercy advances, it will give way to the time of justice. Man thinks he is God and forgets God and forgets his brother, becoming an idol.
My little ones, apostles of the End Times, be aware of your calling and fight with commitment in the spiritual battle. Do not be afraid, for in the end, the Truth, Christ and the Messenger of Truth in the Holy Spirit, your Heavenly Mother, will triumph.
Little son, pray much because the message of La Salette is fulfilled; it has been fulfilled; man did not obey, did not change, did not avoid the error that I, your Mother, warned them about.
My Father is a God of Love and Mercy, but He is a God of righteousness and justice, and He will give to each one according to his actions.
My child, make my message known. My Army needs me. Take care of your spiritual lives, be alert, and raise your prayers. The time has come for prayer and sacrifice.
Little son, penance, penance, penance.
O humanity! I call you for the love of your salvation: return, make reparation, repent.
I love you, my bud, and I bless you, my apostle of La Salette.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without original sin.
