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I bless you, Carmelite. We remember the memorial of Our Lady of Grace and Mercy. Also, as our Mother has called the Fountain of her Garden: Fountain of Grace and Mercy. Our Lady is the Door of Mercy, Co-Redemptrix of the souls and Guardian of the Faith, of the holy Faithful Remnant.

Little Elijah of the time of Mary, pray, do not worry and trust in the Calls from Heaven. Through this Work, Jesus and Mary make a compendium of all authentic, heavenly Graces and Manifestations. Through this Apostolate all souls of the Faithful Remnant are being gathered. Trust, you have a spiritual director and father who believes in this Work and in the Last Calls to Love and Conversion. He will not prevent you from spreading the Reign of the Sacred Hearts but will help you to make your mission in service to the Church more concrete.

Rejoice because everything has been arranged for the Triumph of Jesus and Mary. Do not worry or be disturbed, Heaven will tell you where you must take the Mission and the Message. You, trust in Heaven and your director. Manuelito, I always stay here, I take care of you in the night hours, I accompany you in your daytime work, I am always here in the Garden of Mary and at the Fountain of Grace and Mercy, because the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary has entrusted me with this task.

I bless you. Peace. Drive out the enemy with this simple prayer: “Through the intercession of the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, turn away, Satan, and leave me in peace. I belong to Jesus Crucified and to Him alone”.

I bless you, also as your protector.

In the Name of the Father andof the Son and of theHoly Spirit. Amen.

Hail Mary Most Pure, conceived without sin.


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